Our Certifications

We are a compliant and secure medical messaging platform

Our people and processes meet and exceed the highest standards around the world.

NHS Governance

The NHS code of governance sets out basic practice principles and processes to help NHS foundation trust boards of directors maintain good quality corporate governance, contribute to better organisational performance and provide safe, effective services for patients. Siilo operates in accordance with this code of governance in the United Kingdom.


NEN supports the standardisation process in The Netherlands and manages over 31,000 standards on an international, European and national basis. NEN investigates interested businesses looking to comply with various legislative standards and helps companies acquire the certifications they need. In The Netherlands, Siilo is certified against NEN 7510. View Siilo’s NEN 7510 certificate.

ISO 27001

ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organisation with a membership of 164 national standards bodies. The 27001 family of standard helps organisations manage the security of assets such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details or information entrusted by third parties. Siilo has recently updated its ISO 27001 certification to continue operating with information integrity. View Siilo’s ISO 27001 certificate.